5th – 7th August 2022
This Batá weekender is aimed at those who have some experience playing the Cuban batá drums. The weekend will involve not only learning new material but also playing through the audio-visual material provided prior to the course (this will usually include material covered during the Nov online course). In order to get the most out of the course, we ask participants to, if possible, come having listened to and possibly learnt at least one of the parts. If you are a beginner and would like to learn batá please get in touch so we can offer alternative options.
Taught by David Pattman and Vicky Jassey.
Friday 7.00 – 9.30 pm
Saturday: 11.00 am – 4.00 pm
Sunday 11.00 am – 2.00 pm
Location: Rising Tide, 270 Mare St, London E8 1HE
Cost and How to Pay
Regular £120
Conc £ 75 (*Conc: You qualify for this rate if you are experiencing financial difficulties.)
Please note that there are two facilitators and we keep our classes to a maximum of 12 people in order to provide the most effective learning experience.
If you are a regular customer please consider paying us directly into our bank account. Or pay via Paypal tabs below (please note we add a 3.5% transaction fee).
Account name: Bombo Arts
Account number: 63017399
Sort code: 08-92-99
Reference: (Surname and Initial/BataW08)
Please note there’ll be an additional charge of 3.5% for PayPal
Batá Weekender Regular Rate
Batá Weekender *Conc rate