16th December: 7:30 – 10:30 pm
We have a new venue! Even closer to the Bombo headquarters.
ADDRESS: 81 Stoke Newington Road, London N16 8AD (On the corner of Prince George Road and Stoke Newington Road, not Stoke Newington High Street. In through the shop and down the stairs)
The Afro-Cuban Music Night is an evening of drum, song and dance from batá and orisha music to rumba. It is an informal gathering where musicians, music lovers, dancers and those who would like to learn to dance can participate.
PLEASE NOTE this is not an audience/performance type event, all those who attend are encouraged to take part in some small or large way depending on their experience of the traditions –this could include anything from hand clapping, singing choruses, dancing, drumming or leading the songs. Percussionists and singers familiar with these traditions are invited to come and play. We begin by playing for the orichas with batá music followed by a rumba. We have been honoured to be joined by some of the legends from the batá and rumba Cuban traditions including Luanda Pau, Gerardo De Armas, Martica Gallaraga, Yosvani Diaz and former Conjuncto Folklorico Nacional de Cuba member Antonio Urdaneta Castro. We are very grateful to the many UK based percussionists who also support this night and make it possible.
We thank the truly talented Mish Aminoff Moon for her beautiful photos.